Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I'm working through one of Beth Moore's "Personal Reflections" studies and during my study time today I read words that I so needed to hear. God has a funny way of doing that. Beth said, "If He gives us a task or assigns us to a difficult season, every ounce of our experience is meant for our instruction and completion if only we'll let Him finish the work." And later she said, "I truly believe that if we're willing to see, God uses every difficulty and every assignment to confide deep things to us, and that the lessons are not complete until their beauty has been revealed."

Enough said.

Monday, October 27, 2008


A few weeks ago I woke up with a pain in my neck that felt like I slept wrong. When I touched my neck I felt a lump on my thyroid. So, I immediately made an appointment with the doctor. After visits with multiple doctors, blood work, ultrasounds, and biopsies I have come to learn that I have thyroid cancer.

I think it was when I learned I needed a biopsy when I knew that I had cancer. It was one of those gut feelings. I prayed God would rid my mind of any thoughts that were not from Him, and that thought just would not leave. During the time between when I thought I had cancer and I was officially diagnosed with cancer I just felt like I was floating...kind of like everything was in slow motion. The waiting part was the worst. I envisioned myself sitting in the doctor's office, having to hear the words that everyone prays they never have to hear. But when I was actually there and the doctor was telling me I am going to have to have surgery soon, a wonderful peace washed over my body. And that's when I knew God is going to get us through this and do some mighty things along the way.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

this is really for me

I have recently been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and decided to start this blog to document my journey through this trial in my life. The blog is mainly for me--so I can remember this journey and so I can journal my thoughts. But, I thought other people might like to tag along. And it's a good way for me to update my friends and family without making a hundred different phone calls. :)

Here we go.